Photography by Erin Walker

Grand Anse Beach, St George, Grenada
Showing posts with label Dolphin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dolphin. Show all posts

Friday, March 12, 2010

Whale and Dolphin Tour

On Saturday, March 6, 2010, I went with the SGU Significant Others on a dolphin and whale watching excursion.

We left Grand Anse beach and headed north-west into the Caribbean Sea in hopes of seeing some marine life.

The scenery was beautiful, as we ventured further and further from our tiny island home.

I should also mention that the boat had an open bar.

Well, it’s an ongoing debate about whether or not we saw any whales. The crew claims these are melon-headed whales…I’m pretty sure they were dolphins.

So since we didn't see much going on in the water, we tried to make the most of our trip by having fun and drinking as much as possible in the 4-hours we had onboard.